A virtual one week symposium on Probability and Mathematical Statistics.

Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020

from August 24th to August 28th 2020

Most meetings and conferences needed to be postponed in summer 2020. This symposium is meant to bring together the research community of probability and mathematical statistics and will give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to present their recent research results. The meeting will be virtual with many new experimental features.

Participation at the symposium is free, registration is mandatory to get the passwords for the zoom sessions.

Plenary Speakers

Emmanuel Candes (Stanford)

Martin Hairer (London)

Kerrie Mengersen (Brisbane)

Wendelin Werner (Zurich)

Early Career Speakers

Yuqi Gu (Michigan)

Nina Holden (Zurich)

Adel Javanmard (Los Angeles)

Didong Li (Duke)

Ashwin Pananjady (Berkeley)

Xin Sun (Pennsylvania)

Li-Cheng Tsai (Rutgers)

Accessible for everyone from everywhere

The symposium will consist of live talks, prerecorded 10 minute talks with discussion sessions, posters, experimental interactive events, and problem sessions. Topics from probability and mathematical statistics are arranged in 23 sessions to which all researchers are warmly invited to contribute and discuss their original research results.


The symposium is jointly organized by the Bernoulli Society, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the One World Probability Project. Please check their websites for further information. If you consider becoming a member, here is a link to a joint webpage.

Organisers: Siva Athreya, Leif Döring (chair), Andreas Kyprianou, Jean-Christophe Mourrat, Christian Robert