New researchers events
Virtual research meetings have several advantages: they are not only more climate friendly, but also more inclusive. Since many young researchers from around the globe will participate in the symposium, there will be events to help finding the way into the research communities of probability and mathematical statistics.
Career path discussions
Organised by the BS-IMS Young Researchers Committee there will be four live events adressing job market topics for different parts of the world. Moderated by young researchers, academics will briefly introduce job market structures (hiring procedures, tenure track systems, etc.) and how openings for the next years are going to be affected by the Covid pandemie. There will be time for questions and answers during all sessions.
South America session
Jaime San Martín (Chile) - Slides
Pablo Groisman (Argentina) - Slides
Nancy Garcia (Brazil) - Slides
Jorge Mario Ramírez (Colombia) - Slides
Asia session
Hock Peng Chan (Singapore) - Slides
Guodong Li (Hong Kong) - Video
Fang Yao (China) - Video
Jim Dai (China) - Video
Jianguo Xiao (China) - Video
Europe session - video
Steffen Dereich (Germany)
Almut Veraart (UK)
Olivier Wintenberger (France)
Giulia di Nunno (Norway)
Marta Sanz-Solè (Spain)
Claudio Fontana (Italy)
North America session
Catherine Calder (USA)
Xiao-Li Meng (USA)
David van Dyk (UK)
Bin Yu (USA)